On February 20th, dedicated Model United Students from various international schools in Korea gathered in Seoul Foreign School. When Jenna Han, a junior at SFS, announced the opening of the third annual SKYMUN, students wished each other the best and headed off to their respective committees. 

General assembly this year tackled the issue of regulating the power and rights of UN peacekeepers. Students sticking to each nation’s stance worked together through lobbying process and formal debate to come up with a solution and halt the uncontrolled sexual abuses occurring oversea. In the perspective of a real diplomat, delegates passionately expressed their ideas for a fundamental resolution of the issue. 

In the International Court of Justice, the debate format was comparatively different from other committees in this year’s SKYMUN. A junior from Korea International School, Jay Jang, 6 judges and 4 advocates debated the court case of Marshall Islands vs. United Kingdom. The debate heated up when ambassador of the United Kingdom entered the country and testified on her behalf. Advocates from both nations direct and cross examined witnesses and attempted to prove their nation’s side in the debate. Although there was a winner and a loser in the end, the experiences they have accumulated through the process is worthy of praise.

Sophie Lee, the assistant president of UN’s most dedicated committee — Security Council — claimed that “[she] was amazed not only by delegates' passion, but also by their courage to step up and voice their stance. Also, it was a memorable experience for [her] personally because [she] was inspired by bright minded delegates, chairs, and mentors”. As a veteran MUN student, Sophie led the most prestigious committee without hesitation and acted as a role model to many beginner delegates. Furthermore, Sei Chang, the president of this year’s Disarmament Commission claimed that “SKYMUN was a very enriching experience where it inspired me to continue on with my MUN career”. Being president for the first time, he was able to lead dozens of delegates with his leadership skills. 

SKYMUN provided enriching experience to many delegates around Seoul. From novice to mentors, students from various age levels and acquaintance gathered together and provided each other the best experience possible. Although the conference only lasted for a day, it is an experience that nobody can ever forget.

Junyong (Jake) Jung
Grade 10
Korea International School


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