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[Photo Credit to rawpixel]

Contrary to popular belief, studying  at a cafe is beneficial, as it helps the users extensively. 

Going to a cafe is better for higher levels of concentration and efficiency. 

However, in such a public setting where there is perpetual music, how could it enhance the ability to study?

Regarding this question, some research and additional interviews were done to support the previous point. The results of this study shows that studying at a cafe actually helps enhance learning abilities. 

According to NewScientist, moderate ambient noise not only improves creativity, but also helps increase concentration, and creates   an ideal environment suited for studying.

Two students from Chadwick were interviewed to obtain  a broader perspective of the topic matter: one who patronizes cafes and the other who seldom visits cafes to study.

Student A, a 9th grader at Chadwick International, firmly believes that studying at a cafe does help improve concentration and  efficiency of studying.

Student A said, "I enjoy studying at a cafe. The atmosphere of the cafe allows me to focus better."

She also mentioned how the cafe's environment influences the level of attentiveness.

"When I enter a soothing cafe, it helps me to focus regardless of the small background noises.” she added. “However, cafes that are bustling with people make it hard to focus due to the excessive noise. Although a cafe is a good place for studying, I think the best performance appears in areas where it's made for people to study, like libraries or study cafes."

Though student A loves to study at a cafe, she still  pointed out that it has areas for improvement since other places such as study cafes and libraries have better conditions for studying.

Student B, another 9th grader in Chadwick International, had a similar response to Student A, advocating the use of cafes. 

However, they had different reasons for enjoying studying at a cafe.

While student A appreciated the ambiance of the cafe and the appropriate amount of noise, student B was motivated by the people around him.

Student B said, "I feel like people around me are looking at me, and this helps me concentrate on my work."

He also mentioned how the caffeine contained in the drinks contains, which allows him to study in his best conditions.

According to Healthline, caffeine does help boost memories and improve the ability to focus and maintain concentration.

Student B added, "Studying at a cafe boasts the performance once we study as a group; however, there are better places to study individually than in a cafe."

While Student A described the mental benefits of studying at a cafe, Student B pointed out that there are also physical advantages, such as forming study groups which  utilize peers to ask questions or work on an assignment together.

Both interviews show a positive response to studying at a cafe. 

The previous interviews expose the numerous disadvantages that hinder the users’ focus: moderate noise levels, caffeine, and some mental features like having the feeling of being watched by other customers.

Eventually, it brings up a result that the cafe does help students focus on study sessions. 

While the advantages of studying at a cafe are dissected and subjective, the disadvantages were also evident. 

Regardless of the discussed benefits, a cafe isn't the best place to study.

According to the interviewees, other study areas such as libraries or study cafes are better suited for studying.

However, the number of people studying at a cafe proves the improvement in concentration, eventually supporting the first statement: studying at a cafe is beneficial as it enhances efficiency. 








John Kim
Grade 9
Chadwick International School




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