[one of the photo that were taken from the photo booth, photo credit: Yujin Son]
[one of the photo that were taken from the photo booth, photo credit: Yujin Son]

 Among the many activities that are currently a trend in korea, photo booths have become one that have enthused young people.

During the 2000s, sticker photo booths were in fashion. 

People took photos in the photo booth, and the machine gave them a few minutes to decorate their photos with various stickers and texts. 

Then, people will get their decorated stickers with their photo printed on top. 

Photo booths function similarly, but only not with stickers. 

The machine will generally give 10 seconds for each photo to be taken, and also a chance to take photos one more time if people don’t like their photo. 

They can choose between those two options: first-taken photo and second-taken photo

In some establishments, people are given double the time at the first photo opportunity  to allow for a wider variety of photos. 

The basic type of photos from these photo booths contain 4 separate sections for photos, but people can choose the number of photos they want, with an additional fee based on the number of photos selected.

Hair bands, costumes, and other decorations also exist in the store for people to dress up before they take photos. 

Many stores change hair bands based on the weather, coming holidays or special events. 

Quick response codes (QR code) are printed with the photo. 

If people scan the code with their phone, they are able to receive their photo as an electronic copy, and also as a video, showing them the progression of poses. 

Moreover, various unique frames can also be selected.

There are some frames that are used to advertise idols, characters, competitions, etc. 

Some are just filled with different colours or specific themes, such as the weather, year, or seasons. 

There is an app for Life 4 Cut, one of the more famous photo booth studios, which provides more frames created by other people with a greater variety of themes. 

If people scan the specific QR code of the frame to the Life 4 Cut machine, then the machine will automatically setup with that frame. 

As photo booths became one of the major trends in Korea, more and more photo booth studios have started popping up, such as  Photosigniture, Photoism, Photomatic, Photoism Coloured, Pola Studio, Haru Film etc. 

For some particularly famous photo booths, people even wait in line for an opportunity to take a photo. 

In places that young people frequent, especially Gangnam, Hongdae and Myeong Dong, sometimes people can find 4 different photo booth studios in 1 block. 

Others can easily find photos of people stuck on the wall as a memento.  

Now, the photo booth boom has become a trend overseas as well. 

Though not as widespread as Korea, people can still find out photo booths—usually Life 4 Cut—in other countries as well. 








Yujin Son 
Year 10 
Australian International School 




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