On February 8th, a new study from The Human League found several risk factors in drinking milk and the possible health problems it can lead to.

According to the research, one of the most commonly known health problems caused by milk is called lactose intolerance which 68% of adults worldwide suffer..

Lactose intolerance is caused by the fact that milk contains higher amounts of a type of fat called lactose which is harder for the digestive system of certain groups of people to digest.

Also, the researchers found that milk contains a high source of saturated fat, which is widely known as one of the main causes of heart disease.

An experiment showed that candidates who ate saturated fat from dairy products, including milk, were at a higher risk of developing heart diseases than candidates who ate other fats from products that are not dairy, such as nuts.

Also, dairy products are increasing cancer risks in an individual. 

Recent research has found that the intake of high amounts of dairy products can lead to a higher risk of breast cancer.

Multiple of researches have shown that the risk of developing prostate cancer is even more significant when consuming dairy products.

According to the research, the final main problem of consuming milk is that it contributes to worsening climate change.

The reason behind this issue is that animal agriculture is a leading factor in the emission of greenhouse as cows, which is responsible for the production of milk, produce methane.

The study suggests that the risk of our globe becoming warmer is around 100 times higher than other greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide.

Animal agriculture is also causing deforestation, which is another climate change factor.

The scientists, therefore, suggested some alternatives that people can consume instead of milk or milk-based products, such as milk produced by nuts and plants.

The reason for this research was that there had been a debate going on for over a thousand years on whether or not milk is good or bad for your body.

This ongoing debate was the reason for the rise of multiple new research on milk and its components and the health problems that it can cause.

However, this doesn’t mean milk only has unhealthy, climate-worsening properties. 

There are still beneficial aspects, but it is better to know that these bad sides exist.

Drinking milk has been associated with being healthy and fit, and it is something that many parents tell their kids to drink on a daily basis.

This optimistic view towards milk is because it contains vital nutrients for the human body, such as calcium, vitamin D, proteins, and magnesium.

These nutrients in milk help our body to regrow and develop bone structures, build and repair muscle tissues, and many other benefits.

These nutrients are the main reason milk has always had positive connotations in our community and everyday life.

Therefore, milk isn’t entirely bad for us but knowing that there are some bad sides to it can help us make better decisions when buying or drinking milk.








Yoojoon Song
Year 11
Dulwich College Seoul




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