[Photo taken in front of the United Nations Headquarter in New York City, United States. Photo Credit to Pxhere]
[Photo taken in front of the United Nations Headquarter in New York City, United States. Photo Credit to Pxhere]

JejuMUN X honored its 10th anniversary, marking a decade since the first establishment of the competition in 2013 in Global Education City at Jeju.

The event unfolded between the 24th and 25th of November, attracting over 300 students and representatives from 6 international schools across South Korea.


The participants engaged in 11 different committees, including the UNSC and ECOFIN, addressing topics like “Resolving Tension between China and Taiwan'' and “Responding to the global economic crisis caused by the Silicon Valley Bank fallout.”


The two-day contest kicked off with an opening ceremony, featuring inspirational words from the Secretary General, Under-Secretary Generals, and a brief opening remark from Director General Nickolas Harris.


Model United Nations (MUN) has become a go-to extracurricular activity, especially among high school students aspiring to be diplomats or international relations majors.


Initially created by the United Nations (UN), MUN allows students to simulate official UN conferences, either as chairs or delegates.


Delegates represent assigned countries, forming blocs to construct resolutions that are later debated for approval.


Chairs, responsible for organizing and adhering to procedural rules, play a crucial role in running the committees.


Being part of MUN demonstrates the initiative and courage to step out of the comfort zone, presenting ideas to others, along with openness and understanding of global issues and contemporary challenges.


Apart from its positive impact on college applications, MUN offers several benefits.


In the structured environment of conferences, held amidst complete strangers under pressure, students have the opportunity to develop the ability to handle stressful conditions and navigate the sometimes awkward ambiance of the committee.


Critical thinking and articulation skills, valuable in various fields, are honed through participation.


Moderated and unmoderated caucuses, formal and informal discussion sessions, respectively, contribute to enhancing public speaking and debating abilities.


As of 2021, MUN has gained global popularity, with over 400,000 schools participating in 400+ conferences worldwide, including events like JejuMUN X.


While some students join MUN for resume enhancement or skill-building, others have unique motivations, such as making connections and experiencing UN meetings firsthand.


With demands and favor for increased delegations in conferences, the Model United Nations industry is playing a crucial role in training some of the most talented students who are future leaders and representatives of their nations.


Providing additional guidance and coaching for such a popular extracurricular activity in the long term would be extremely advantageous for the global community and international relations.


The competition concluded with a closing ceremony, where top delegates from each committee received awards, including Best Delegate, Outstanding Delegate, and Honorable Mention.


This year, verbal commendations were not given out, but students were acknowledged for their outstanding performance during the conference.








Edward Kim

Year 12

North London Collegiate School Jeju

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