[photo from the International Movie Night / photo credit: Yujin Son]
[photo from the International Movie Night / photo credit: Yujin Son]

Australian International School hosted an International Movie Night on the 1st of December in an attempt to boost the international spirit of the school.


International Movie Night is an exciting Friday afterschool event where students can enjoy an international movie with their friends.


Tickets were sold at $5 for 2-3 weeks, which came with a free drink and chips. Any student between year 5-12 were welcome. .


It was held in the small gym from 4:30 to 6:30, but students who wished to enter early were allowed to come early from 4.


Usually these events are opened to secondary students only, year 6-12s, but the event was opened to year 5 students to allow them to build connections with other secondary students as a form of welcoming event.

The event was mainly initiated by the international prefects, who worked tirelessly to increase the international spirit in the school through a variety of activities.

International leaders and prefects sold tickets during recess and lunch in rotations , and promoted the event through posters, google classrooms, and meetings.


Students who bought the tickets were given three movie options: Mulan, Aladdin, or Coco.

Each movie represented a different culture from across the world and the fact it was a Disney movie meant it was easy to consume and appreciate certain aspects of the different cultures.

Due to the overwhelming majority voting for Coco, Coco was shown during the International Movie Night.


Chinese subtitles were provided for some Chinese students still learning English—Chinese is the most spoken 2nd language in the school according to the statistics.


Drinks and chips were provided to everyone by the school’s parents’ association, AISPA.


After the event ended, everyone responsibly threw the snacks and drinks they had away and helped the international team to set the mattresses back.


Students waiting for their parents to come and pick them up patiently waited in the small gym with the teachers doing other fun activities like “Just Dance”.


Around 3-4 teachers, international leaders, and the prefect team supervised the movie night till the end, and it finished with no big issues.


Unfortunately walk-in tickets were not provided due to safety policies, but the international prefects mentioned that “we hope this event enables students to build connections with other students in other year groups. There were some students who wished to join through a walk-in ticket.


We felt really sorry but we hope we can provide exciting international events to more students next time”


International Movie Night successfully ended with around 70 students in attendance thanks to the support of international leaders, other prefects and teachers.








Yujin Son

Australian International School

Year 11

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